Transaction-Network Roadmap

We turn your service into a business driver. 

With our platform, we ensure your growth, automate business processes and offer a vehicle to keep your customers loyal to you for the long term, ensuring business continuity. 

With Transaction-Network we make sure that you get a strategic market advantage. In all 4 dimensions of growth strategy, we align our product roadmap. All our developments are aimed at creating growth in the areas of revenue and customer retention. 

Other use cases are for competitiveness, digitalization and as far as we can, sustainability. 


We divide our product roadmap into different missions. Each mission has a clear goal under which we decide on the implementation and prioritization of the individual epics. 

The following four sources provide the right definition of mission statements:

  • the market

  • our customers

  • our business development

  • enhancements and the technology


The following Misson-Statements are made and planned in the Roadmap.



One and for all

Have fun today working together